
Bodyweight Upper Body Low Intensity

by Body Goods Nutrition Admin on October 05, 2021

Do 4 rounds with a 60 second rest between rounds

Standard Stance Push Up x 8

  • This will be in a standard, slightly wider than shoulder width push up position. 
  • If unable to do a push-up go to your knees first, if you are unable to do push-ups on your knees put your hands on an elevated surface (couch, counter, table, etc.). If push ups are too easy you may elevate your legs or add weight to your back (backpack full of books, cats, dogs, rocks, whatever) and if that is too easy I would recommend doing handstand push ups against a wall.
  • Use a 4/2/1 tempo. This means it takes 4 seconds to come down, 2 second hold at the bottom, and 1 second to come up. Count in your head and keep it strict.

Wide Stance Push Up x 10

  • Same progressions and regressions as above. Your stance does not have to be super wide but make sure it is wider than shoulder width and your previous stance.
  • Use a 2/0/2 tempo. 2 seconds down, 0 seconds at the bottom, and 2 seconds coming up

Close Stance Push Up x 12

  • For a close stance push up we are trying to target the triceps more. Although it says close stance you do not need to ‘diamond’ push ups. These aren’t the best for your joint and it is best to come to shoulder width or slightly inside of shoulder width. When you go down on this push up you want your arms to touch your sides.
  • There is no set tempo for this exercise, just make sure the reps are controlled and you are getting the full range of motion.

Rest 30 Seconds

Floor Pull Up x 15

  • Lay on your stomach with your arms extended parallel to the ground above your head. Pull your elbows towards your sides, almost as if you were trying to put them into your pockets. Then come back to the starting position.
  • The tempo will be 2 seconds to bring your elbows to your sides, hold the contraction when they are at your sides for 5 seconds, and come back up for 2 seconds. Repeat.
  • I recommend using a towel to further mimic a pull up. If using a towel I recommend pulling your hands outwards like you were trying to rip the towel.

Bicep Curl x 15

  • Use a towel or rope and hold both ends in your hands with your foot in the middle of it. Use a long enough length that your leg will have to move when doing your bicep curl, this is how you will create tension.
  • Slowly curl up the weight of your leg until you reach full flexion of the bicep (can’t go anymore). Then push down with the leg in the towel to create resistance and resist the negative portion of the rep with your arms (keep pulling up).
  • You determine the difficulty for this exercise so try to challenge yourself by adding more resistance.

Table Pull Up x max

  • Go underneath a sturdy table  and grip it on its narrowest part. Pull your body towards the table by pulling down with your elbows.
  • To make the pull up harder you can extend your legs out in front of you with your heels touching the ground. To make it easier, bring your legs closer to your body with your feet on the ground.
  • Go until you are unable to do any more reps, don’t stop early!

4 rounds/ 60 second rest

  • Oblique Crunch x 20 seconds each side
  • Russian Twist x 30 seconds (use a weight if possible)
  • Bicycle Crunch x 30 seconds

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